created on 14/12/23, set in the early/mid 90s

one time, dee heard vosim singing and playing the piano. vosim always told them that he never used the piano, but here he was, singing his heart out and pouring his soul into the tunes he was creating.
the moment vosim noticed dee, he stopped singing and playing, seeming really embarrased.

dee: hey, pumpkin!! i saw you havin' a bit of a blast here!!
vosim: ...
dee: hm...?? i didn't tell you to stop...
vosim: ...
vosim: i-it's... nothing. it's stupid. you... d-didn't hear anythin'... (vosim's going red, hes really embarassed lol)
dee: no, no!! i... i mean it!! i really did love what you were singin', and i wanna hear more!! if... that's okay with you...
dee: hey, i could even try to sing with you, if you'd like!! :D
vosim: ...y-you... like this???
dee: yeah!! you're really talented, and i think you should show more people your tunes!! i just know so many people would love your stuff!! :O
vosim: i... th-thank you dee...
vosim: uh... i-i've always wanted to be in the music scene... i- i wanted to sing my heart out to everyone in front of a stage, and, yknow- i have done that before at like, uh, t-talent shows and mini clubs and s-stuff like that... vosim: but.... i'm j-just stuck with this shitty office job... th-there's no way i'd be able to achieve my dreams now...
vosim: it's only recently that i've started picking up the piano again...
dee: oh, i'm sure you could!! it's never too late to follow your dreams!!! :3
vosim: i g-guess... but... *sigh* m-maybe one day. but for now... i'll just- keep doin' this.
vosim: one day... i-i'll show the world my tunes. y-yeah!! i'll show the world what i can really do!!
dee: that's the spirit!! i'll be there to support ya, and when you're ready to go out there, i'll be cheerin' you on throughout it all!! >:3
vosim: o-oh...!!! i'm- hahaha... th-thank you so much, that... means so so so much!!!
vosim: uh... i'll show you what i've been comin' up with, then!!

and so vosim did, and dee loved every moment of it. they sung along together for hours. vosim even decided to be brave and showed dee some of his earlier songs, some dating back to the early/mid 80s!! he felt so happy, knowing he could show dee who he really wanted to be, without anyone judging him for it...

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